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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Gone to the Squirrels

Today began out so lovely.  Mummy couldn't sleep this morning so at 4:30am before the rest of the world woke, we went for a tiny hike.  The birds began to sing and the wind whispered through the trees as the sky turned to pastels.

After a nappy, me, Mummy, Diddy, and Sissy went to the park for a swim-swimmy-swim. The water felt so good on me belly, I stuck my head underwater and blew bubbles, chased sticks and swam forever.
I could feel someone watching us. Looking around, on the far bank of the stream a large squirrel stood watching us intently.  My ears pearked up as he squeaked at me as if to say "hey you, yeah I'm talking to you".  It continued to yell at us, and threw acorn tops.  I looked at me Diddy for approval and laughingly he said "don't do it" but..... it had to be done,  I flew out of the water and chased that little bugger all over the place, almost out of range of Diddy's voice...almost.

"MAGGIE" his voice thundered through the park like a greek god and he caught up to me dragging me back to the car.  How humiliating.  I swear I could hear the other doggies snickering, even me own sissy.  

Rotten Squirrel
The park visit being quickly over, all due that rotten squirrel, we were on our way home.  Mummy put the windows down so I could stick me head out and catch some fresh air.   Almost out of the park, minding my own business, I turned to see sissy's side of the view, when there he was, that wretched squirrel.  I dove at him right over sissy and out the moving vehicle, tumbling a little.  Up on my feet quick as could be, The chase was on again.  I almost had him again when a group of runners got in my way, I dodged through their fast tall legs knocking some of them down.  I heard some yelling, as I closed in on that little nut-head when he went up a tree, but... I had his tail!!!  And... then Diddy had mine.  I didn't care that I was in trouble. I had caught that little bugger.  I wagged my tail proudly all the way to the car the runners yelling at Diddy and Diddy saying something back.

I was on my runner for the rest of the day with no treaties, watching everyone else have fun, but that was ok, I had a souvenir. A fluffy grey tail... teehee.  Who's laughing now squirrel?  I am.  {:o-)

XO ~ Maggers