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Friday, February 8, 2013

The Warrior.

Before Ni'nights a couple nights ago Diddy and me engaged in a game of "rough-up", this is a game we play often, but this particular night the game went into overtime as we'd come to a paw to hand tie.

At the end (the winner was undoubtedly me - just in case you for some silly reason though otherwise), Diddy and I snuggled for a bit - both panting in exhaustion.  "My awesome girl" he said wheezing out of breath smiling "that was epic!!"

When we finally made it up the stairs to bed, I found me Mummy passed out in the guest room with her computer in hand, so I jumped up and made me-self comfy with her (she's a really fantastic bed sharer - unlike selfish-Diddy).

<<<Later that night I found me-self in a MMA fighting cage- head to head with Diddy,  I threw paw swings and he tried to trip up me feet, I barked loudly at him and he pulled me tail, I spun around with a fake tail bite and lunged at his leg - but before I could get to it **BOOM** I found me self squished>>>
suddenly a light went on and I heard a sweet voice come from the Ref "Maggs!!!" ... I blinked "Mo-mo my love what happened?" the sweet voice half laughed - The Ref was me own Mummy, the fight cage suddenly vanished from site, I found me-self in the bedroom, I should say under the bed, between a bunch of pillows, the mattress and the wall.

"you scared me and I was in the middle of such a great dream" Mummy said, pulling the bed away from the wall - "come on then" she tried to lift me up, but me was pinned and twisted in such a way, that it took her over 10 minutes to get me out "that must have been one heck of a dream my girl" she said petting me,  I shook me body, it was I thought.

Mummy straightened out the bed and the pillows and me and put a border up between me and the wall
She said "I don't want you to roll off again little one" and packed me in tight with her.  I put me paw on her hand as we fell back into a deep sleep - no more fighting tonight I promised... but I didn't promise that I would go on a wild chase with the next door Emu...

Until next time, sweet dreams and fun adventures.
XX - Maggie the Warrior

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