It was a scorcher today! Me couldn't make up my mind if me wanted to be under my favorite trees or inside where it was cooler. Me almost melted into a puddle of fur. Me mummy got me a pool to cool me belly off in as well, but to no avail. Finally me plunked myself on the floor in front of the Air Conditioner in our dining room and took several cool naps.
Me heard a light dingling tune run through my dream (Me was chasing the rotten squirrels in our neighborhood), when I woke up and coming around the bend was the ice cream truck. I remembered that all the kiddies in the area running up to it excited walking away with cones, bomb pops, and ice cream sannies and then I thought about all the times that me Mummy gave me ice cubes to crunch on - me figured it was the same thing, so without wasting any time me begged Mummsie to let me out. Me ran down the street, greeting the truck with more enthusiasm than any of the little squirts with two legs.
The kids pushed in front of me and got their sweeties and when it came to me, the man behind the counter looked out at me with his coke bottle glasses and smiled, then went back behind the wheel. Me barked at him "Hey you guy, bark bark bark...." he just laughed and began the truck "me want one" me sounded out with my puppy speak. But off he drove. Watching as he drove away, me thought it so unfair. "What's wrong with my girl?" Mummsie said as she followed me into the house and me thumped down on the floor pouting.
Me waited pacing excitedly for my turn, watching the girls at the window hand out endless mulit-layered scoops with cherries, and candies, and rainbow-colored sprinkles toping each delicious serving. Me looked at the selections and let mummsie know what me wanted; Once it was our turn a sweet girl greeted me with a smile and took me mummy's order - "a big one for me" me whimpered in anticipation. Me watched as the girl in pink spooned out several large scoops of purple yumminess and handed it through the window. Me began to drool like never before, big puddles forming on the walkway. Mummsie and Diddy sat under an umbrella teasing me with every lick they took of their cool treats, with each passing lick me thought, this is it, me gets the rest! But no, they finished it off leaving me with a sad purple stained cone to snack on. Yes it was cool and yes it tasted yummy, but me thought me'd get me own. I was thoroughly disappointed again, for the second time today.
They put me back into the car and closed the door, me was about ready to disown them for the rest of the day when suddenly two girls in pink came up with bowls of vanilla soft serve adorned with cute little puppy treats - Really? This was all for MO?!? Me licked away elated. Oh what delight!!! It was sticky, and sweet and cold on me tongue and slid cooly down into me hot belly.
Me even tried to eat the bowls, it was sooooo soo soooo soooo gooood!!!

Mummy and Diddy gave me pets and kisses after "was that good our girl?" they asked with big sticky smiles. Me wagged me tail contented and cooled down from the long hot hot day. Me belly was so full that me didn't even stick me head out the window to catch the breeze.
Tonight me will sleep well, happily, me belly cooled down and dream of that darned chipmunk family that is living under our patio, they keep teasing me... {:o}
Ni'nights! XO - Candy-Girl Mo.
Music: "I want candy" by: Bow Wow
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