A huge bolt of energy and light filled the world around me. I couldn't see anything!! Then.......CRRRAAACCCKKKK BOOOOOOOMMMM!!! A tremendous noise filled the still white void. Holy Shnikies!!! What was that?!? I dared not move.
Colors started reappearing through the void and the world around began to come back into view. Everything went on as it had before the flash, except.... I noticed, the birds were very still, not making a peep.... I wondered, was there more of that energetic loud craziness to come? I sure hoped not.
No sooner did I think it, the blinding white flash appeared again. Every hair on my body stood up straight (and that's a-lot of hair people). It was so close that I feared that next time it might just swallow me whole!! I wasn't sitting around to find out!! I got up on my shaky paws and ran into the void, I was pretty sure to our shed. I wiggled me little body under as far as I could get it as an even bigger, louder.....

Then IT came.... the battering sheet of rain.
As the world continued to flash and boom violently, I saw the outline of something tall running towards me. IT WAS MUMMY(in her jammies)!!! she unchained me quickly and ran me inside. "My sweet darling" she cooed as she hugged my soaked shaking self. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were outside, I was sleeping" She looked at the clock, it was only 5:57 AM. She wrapped me in a big fluffy towel and rubbed me down, from the tip of me nose to the top of me tail. I shook, the excess water splashing all over her. Sissy just looked at me annoyedly, snorted and rolled over right before she began to snore again. But me Mummy, she didn't make a fuss, she got me me blankly and covered me with it with a kiss on me head.
I sure don't know what that craziness was outside, but for now, I was safe and warm, no hungry sounding thunder could get me in here, and I've been promised that when I wake up later today, I will get extra loves and treats to make up for me scary adventure.
Me eyes are heavy now, more lat.........
XO - nearly electri-fried Maggie.
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