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Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Runaway Kid

   Yesterday Mummy left me out in the back yard all day, all lonesome and took me Sissy for a long ride with her, she told me she was taking Sissy to see the doctor because she didn't feel well, and would be back soon.
Sissy faking sick
"Soon" turned into hours and I was starting to feel a bit neglected and unloved.  When they finally did arrive home I took one look at Sissy and decided that she did not at all look sick, she ran out to take a nap in her favorite spot and me Mummy came to give me loves, I was in a rotten mood with her.  Little lying minx!
   For the rest of the day I snubbed me mummy, well deserved I say and when Diddy came home I gave him all of my attention making sure Mummy saw.  "Why are you stuck to me like glue Mags?" Diddy asked, Liar-Mummy told him that I just was being a little jealous girl, that Sissy went for a ride but not me.

Diddy tried to explain the "sissy is sick" thing, but I ran off an played with my bally.  I couldn't believe it, they were both in on the lie! Then Diddy just shrugged and said "Well Mags, if you don't like it why don't you just run away?"

Right then and there I decided that I would.  I would teach them a lesson and they would see how much they would miss me.  This morning when they let me out to play I snuck around the side yard, under a small space in the fence and was off...

Down into town, passing the Inn and the consignment store across the street and down the road.

I went to the into the forest and then to the Hall of Springs (it's really quite a lovely spot), and had a roll in the grass.

   As the day grew later and I was feeling a bit nappy, I laid down for a bit to think about my strategy and after a little I got a bit hungry, which made me think of all the delicious nibbles me Mummy always had for me, which got me to thinking about Mummy, she wasn't really all that bad... actually she was really quite sweet to me, I also thought about Sissy, and how I loved to play with her and torment her with my bally, then Diddy slipped into my head.  I loved it when Diddy played with me, he was so much fun!!! If I didn't go back I would be an all alone, on my own, an orphan!!

   So, for the second time this week I made up my mind, I stood up, looked around me and was off once more...  Down the tree lane, through the brick halls, and through the town ... til there it was, home sweet home.   Mummy came running up to me, "Oh my little flower, where have you been?  I've looked everywhere for you!" Mummy cried and gave me the biggest hug ever on the planet. Sissy hobbled over, she had a bumpy on her leg, I hadn't noticed it before, me jealousy had taken over. she really was sick! I had been soooo wrong! I made it a point to hang out with her for the rest of the afternoon, and gave her sick paw kisses. I even gave her me red bally to play with.

   When we all were settled in for the night I went to
 all of them and gave them a kissy, letting them know how much I love them, that there was nowhere else I'd rather be, than with me family.
Well, I've had a long day, so ni'night's for now and may you all have as fantastical and loving a family as me and not take them for granted.                                          XO - Little almost orphan Maggie

Friday, July 22, 2011

Copy Written!!

Me just reading a few good books

Hurray!!!  Me Mummy has gotten me Copywrite (since I don't have me own money yet).  So off I've sent me tails.  Off into the ocean of publishers.  Wishing for the best success!!

XO ~ Maggie the Published Author (to be)!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Thunder Struck

What a crazy morning! Diddy went off fishing as the sun rose this morning. The second he opened it, I shot out the door like a rocket.  I was sure I was going with him, instead mean ol Diddy put me out on my runner to play by me-self.  It was so early that Mummy and Sissy were still dreaming away.  So, I made myself comfy in my favorite spot in the yard for a little morning nappsy, when......ZZZZAAAAAPP!
A huge bolt of energy and light filled the world around me. I couldn't see anything!! Then.......CRRRAAACCCKKKK BOOOOOOOMMMM!!! A tremendous noise filled the still white void.  Holy Shnikies!!! What was that?!?  I dared not move.

Colors started reappearing through the void and the world around began to come back into view.  Everything went on as it had before the flash, except.... I noticed, the birds were very still, not making a peep.... I wondered, was there more of that energetic loud craziness to come?  I sure hoped not.

No sooner did I think it, the blinding white flash appeared again.  Every hair on my body stood up straight (and that's a-lot of hair people). It was so close that I feared that next time it might just swallow me whole!! I wasn't sitting around to find out!!  I got up on my shaky paws and ran into the void, I was pretty sure to our shed. I wiggled me little body under as far as I could get it as an even bigger, louder.....

  Then IT came.... the battering sheet of rain.

As the world continued to flash and boom violently, I saw the outline of something tall running towards me.  IT WAS MUMMY(in her jammies)!!!  she unchained me quickly and ran me inside.  "My sweet darling" she cooed as she hugged my soaked shaking self. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were outside, I was sleeping"  She looked at the clock, it was only 5:57 AM.  She wrapped me in a big fluffy towel and rubbed me down, from the tip of me nose to the top of me tail.   I shook,  the excess water splashing all over her.  Sissy just looked at me annoyedly, snorted and rolled over right before she began to snore again. But me Mummy, she didn't make a fuss, she got me me blankly and covered me with it with a kiss on me head.

I sure don't know what that craziness was outside, but for now, I was safe and warm, no hungry sounding thunder could get me in here, and I've been promised that when I wake up later today, I will get extra loves and treats to make up for me scary adventure.

Me eyes are heavy now, more lat.........                  

XO - nearly electri-fried  Maggie.