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Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Runaway Kid

   Yesterday Mummy left me out in the back yard all day, all lonesome and took me Sissy for a long ride with her, she told me she was taking Sissy to see the doctor because she didn't feel well, and would be back soon.
Sissy faking sick
"Soon" turned into hours and I was starting to feel a bit neglected and unloved.  When they finally did arrive home I took one look at Sissy and decided that she did not at all look sick, she ran out to take a nap in her favorite spot and me Mummy came to give me loves, I was in a rotten mood with her.  Little lying minx!
   For the rest of the day I snubbed me mummy, well deserved I say and when Diddy came home I gave him all of my attention making sure Mummy saw.  "Why are you stuck to me like glue Mags?" Diddy asked, Liar-Mummy told him that I just was being a little jealous girl, that Sissy went for a ride but not me.

Diddy tried to explain the "sissy is sick" thing, but I ran off an played with my bally.  I couldn't believe it, they were both in on the lie! Then Diddy just shrugged and said "Well Mags, if you don't like it why don't you just run away?"

Right then and there I decided that I would.  I would teach them a lesson and they would see how much they would miss me.  This morning when they let me out to play I snuck around the side yard, under a small space in the fence and was off...

Down into town, passing the Inn and the consignment store across the street and down the road.

I went to the into the forest and then to the Hall of Springs (it's really quite a lovely spot), and had a roll in the grass.

   As the day grew later and I was feeling a bit nappy, I laid down for a bit to think about my strategy and after a little I got a bit hungry, which made me think of all the delicious nibbles me Mummy always had for me, which got me to thinking about Mummy, she wasn't really all that bad... actually she was really quite sweet to me, I also thought about Sissy, and how I loved to play with her and torment her with my bally, then Diddy slipped into my head.  I loved it when Diddy played with me, he was so much fun!!! If I didn't go back I would be an all alone, on my own, an orphan!!

   So, for the second time this week I made up my mind, I stood up, looked around me and was off once more...  Down the tree lane, through the brick halls, and through the town ... til there it was, home sweet home.   Mummy came running up to me, "Oh my little flower, where have you been?  I've looked everywhere for you!" Mummy cried and gave me the biggest hug ever on the planet. Sissy hobbled over, she had a bumpy on her leg, I hadn't noticed it before, me jealousy had taken over. she really was sick! I had been soooo wrong! I made it a point to hang out with her for the rest of the afternoon, and gave her sick paw kisses. I even gave her me red bally to play with.

   When we all were settled in for the night I went to
 all of them and gave them a kissy, letting them know how much I love them, that there was nowhere else I'd rather be, than with me family.
Well, I've had a long day, so ni'night's for now and may you all have as fantastical and loving a family as me and not take them for granted.                                          XO - Little almost orphan Maggie

Friday, July 22, 2011

Copy Written!!

Me just reading a few good books

Hurray!!!  Me Mummy has gotten me Copywrite (since I don't have me own money yet).  So off I've sent me tails.  Off into the ocean of publishers.  Wishing for the best success!!

XO ~ Maggie the Published Author (to be)!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Thunder Struck

What a crazy morning! Diddy went off fishing as the sun rose this morning. The second he opened it, I shot out the door like a rocket.  I was sure I was going with him, instead mean ol Diddy put me out on my runner to play by me-self.  It was so early that Mummy and Sissy were still dreaming away.  So, I made myself comfy in my favorite spot in the yard for a little morning nappsy, when......ZZZZAAAAAPP!
A huge bolt of energy and light filled the world around me. I couldn't see anything!! Then.......CRRRAAACCCKKKK BOOOOOOOMMMM!!! A tremendous noise filled the still white void.  Holy Shnikies!!! What was that?!?  I dared not move.

Colors started reappearing through the void and the world around began to come back into view.  Everything went on as it had before the flash, except.... I noticed, the birds were very still, not making a peep.... I wondered, was there more of that energetic loud craziness to come?  I sure hoped not.

No sooner did I think it, the blinding white flash appeared again.  Every hair on my body stood up straight (and that's a-lot of hair people). It was so close that I feared that next time it might just swallow me whole!! I wasn't sitting around to find out!!  I got up on my shaky paws and ran into the void, I was pretty sure to our shed. I wiggled me little body under as far as I could get it as an even bigger, louder.....

  Then IT came.... the battering sheet of rain.

As the world continued to flash and boom violently, I saw the outline of something tall running towards me.  IT WAS MUMMY(in her jammies)!!!  she unchained me quickly and ran me inside.  "My sweet darling" she cooed as she hugged my soaked shaking self. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were outside, I was sleeping"  She looked at the clock, it was only 5:57 AM.  She wrapped me in a big fluffy towel and rubbed me down, from the tip of me nose to the top of me tail.   I shook,  the excess water splashing all over her.  Sissy just looked at me annoyedly, snorted and rolled over right before she began to snore again. But me Mummy, she didn't make a fuss, she got me me blankly and covered me with it with a kiss on me head.

I sure don't know what that craziness was outside, but for now, I was safe and warm, no hungry sounding thunder could get me in here, and I've been promised that when I wake up later today, I will get extra loves and treats to make up for me scary adventure.

Me eyes are heavy now, more lat.........                  

XO - nearly electri-fried  Maggie.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


On Sunday night Mummy put me, Sissy, & Diddy into the car and brought us to a place called the Fairgrounds in our town.  Gathered behind a large fence, on the grass were hundreds of adults and kiddies of all ages sitting on picnic blankets all looking up at the sky with some sort of anticipation.  Was there going to be an alien invasion and they all were going to the mother ship?  (I've seen enough X-Files and Torchwood to know what's going on).  A man came out onto a platform and spoke really LOUDLY  "Is everyone ready?" the crowd lit up into a unanimous cheer, kids danced up and down in excitement "10....9..." the man said and the crowd joined in "8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...."

Pop! Bang! Boom!

Holy cricket!! What was that? I backed up behind Diddy as a deafening sound filled the sky 
above us, joined by screaming children.  I paced nervously. 

Then, all at once a huge explosion of color took over the night sky and seemed to melt into it 
as the colored lights fluttered down towards us.    It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen!!!

"What do ya think Maggs?" Mummy asked rubbing behind my ears.  I looked up at her my 
eyes full of excitement ("Not at all bad!!!").

Bang! Bang! Bang!

I jumped again.

The sky lit up once more with white shimmering lights that twinkled and glimmered magically. 

I was mesmerized. 

On and on the loud sounds kept coming followed by pretty colors and lights.  Some flew whistling into the air, others exploded into hula-hoops of color and others flew around the
sky like colored lightning bugs.  Then, they came to a halt

I looked for Sissy, wanting to share my excitement.  I found her hiding under Mummy's 
skirt(she doesn't like loud sounds). Scardy dog!  

Is that it? -  I wondered...

In an instant, without warning, the sky was on fire once more with thunderous sounds and 
magnanimous colorful lights and shapes.  I couldn't take my eyes away, I didn't want it to 
end... but as all things do, it came to a stop and everyone headed out, each with a ear to ear 
grin, even the adults had the glow of child like excitement.  

As we walked away, I looked back up at the sky once more, hoping for one last little set of 
prismacolor lights to set off, they didn't. But I am delighted to have them in my 
memory now forever. 

Wishing you all a luminous evening!

XO - Maggie-Mo.


Music:  Sticks and Stones by Jonsi

Monday, June 20, 2011

Breakin' the law...

Heres the thing of it.  Mummsie had to run some errands today and took me and Sissy for a ride with her.  After stopping to get coffee at her favorite bakery (she always tells us it is her all time second favorite cup of cafe in the world), we went to her studio for a moment.  Mummy ran into to take care of a few things and while she was in there I thought to myself, "Maggs, this looks like a lovely part of town to explore" so I pushed Sissy out of the way and wriggled my way out of the partially closed car window (I had to really put some work into it, but I am not one to give up once I've made up my mind).  Sissy was watching me out of the window "Your going to be in so much trouble" she said with the roll of her eyes.  She is always such a goodie-two-shoes, I want to live life to the fullest, (besides Mummy would agree - she has a gypsy spirit just like me), and I would be back before Mumms even came back out.  Looking both ways before crossing the street I started out down the road.  I sniffed around a bit and when I got about two buildings down a  black car stopped and a man with a black uniform got out.  Speaking to me nicely he opened his back door for me to get in, perhaps he would give me a proper tour of this lovely town.  I was sure he would bring me back quick enough for me Mummy to not even realize I had gone.  So without hesitation in I jumped; it was nice and cool on his leather seats so I got comfy.  Down the street we went a bit and pulled into a driveway right next to Mummy's studio, not a second later Mummsie exited the building and the man asked if he knew who I might belong too, she practically dropped boxes she was carrying, "Oh my Goodness" she said eyes bugging out of her head.  "I'm so sorry, I don't even know how she got out of the car" (I'm smart like that!!) "Maggie" she cried "what have you done?!"  The man explained that he had seen me walking down the center of the road and then sniffing about with no parent to watch over me.  Me Mummy apologized again, "Maggie! The Police?!?!?" she looked at me in a serious tone.  THE POLICE?!?!?!  I didn't know he was a police man!! If only I would have read the words on the car I would know that it was a cop car I was getting into, he was just sooooo nice!!!

To Mummy's relief, the police man said something and laughed, which made her laugh, I was WAY to afraid to hear what they were saying, my mind was racing, thinking that I was going to the clink!!!! Then Mummy came over and petted my head and just shook her pretty head at me.  Then, I heard her say to the Cop "I know this is a bit twisted, but can I take a picture, no one will believe this" the cop laughed with his reply "Absolutely, I'll take one too, my wife will get a kick out of this."  HOW HUMILIATING, they were having a laugh at my expense!

As it turns out, I was not going to jail.  The nice Police man let me out of his car and into Mummy's care once more.  Once we got home, Mummy gave me a treat (Sissy too) and explained that I could not run off on my own any more, she loved me too much and would be heart broken if she couldn't find me and keep me safe.

I am exhausted now from this dramatic morning, so I am going to lay down on my little bed and take a long nap... I wish you all sweet dreams and grand adventures (with the exception of the kind that involve the copers!!)

XO ~ Outlaw Maggie-Mo.

Music: Bad to the Bone by George Thoroughgood

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lazy Summer Daydream

Today was just a lovely day, Sissy, Mummy, and I went for a nice ride and for a swimmy.  Besides a peculiar white rock that I just didn't trust (Rocks can be tricksy you know), we had a dreamy sunny summer day.

I sure hope you all had as wonderful day as we did. 

XO ~ Maggie-Mo. 

Thursday, June 2, 2011

La Petite Fleur de la Mummy

Me mummy loves flowers so much, that she has them everywhere.  Outdoors, indoors, even in window bloxes.  She says flowers add the perfect amount of beauty to any space without too much else.  Diddy even brings her bunches of flowers almost every week from the market because he loves her so much.
Shooting Stars
This morning she planted shooting stars in our yard, I don't know how she caught them, but now they are sitting pretty and pink in one of the gardens.

Today, I thought I'd help her in the garden.  I helped dig some holes (even a few outside of the garden just in case she needed more) As we tended to her roses, peonies, marigolds, lavender, poppies, Iris' and something that looks like dune grass (which, just incase you were wondering does not at all taste good) Mummy said that I was as beautiful as any of her lovely flowers and started calling me  "ma petite fleur".

As she was watering the yard I spied something that I thought would be really perfect to add, so as a surprise I decided to dig it up and collect it for her.  I dragged across the yard and nudged her in the leg "come look" I said.  She smiled at me like she does but when she saw my prize her smile turned into a worried look with her nose and eyes all scrunched together. "Oh no" she ran over to the neighbors yard and saw where I had dug the newly
Mrs. Beusoleil's flowers

planted flowers out.  She ran around the corner and when she came back, she patted my head "We are so lucky that the neighbors are not home."   Quickly we trotted over to their yard and re-planted them, recovering them with mulch.
Before we left she pointed at them and said "NO!!!" I thought I was doing something nice. Ho-hum!!
I hung my head and followed her back.  "Oh" she said looking at my sad face, "Your so sweet Maggsie, but, they are not ours." and gave me a forgiving kissy on the nose.

I guess I shouldn't have taken the neighbors flowers, but they really would have looked so much nicer in Mummsie's yard!  Sorry Mrs. Beausoleil!! I sure hope she doesn't read this blog!

I think I'll take a nice roll in the muck, I still smell like lilacs from my last bath...

Me getting mucky

XO - Maggie le Fleur

Music: Chocolate Sauce  by Rachel Portman

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Gone to the Squirrels

Today began out so lovely.  Mummy couldn't sleep this morning so at 4:30am before the rest of the world woke, we went for a tiny hike.  The birds began to sing and the wind whispered through the trees as the sky turned to pastels.

After a nappy, me, Mummy, Diddy, and Sissy went to the park for a swim-swimmy-swim. The water felt so good on me belly, I stuck my head underwater and blew bubbles, chased sticks and swam forever.
I could feel someone watching us. Looking around, on the far bank of the stream a large squirrel stood watching us intently.  My ears pearked up as he squeaked at me as if to say "hey you, yeah I'm talking to you".  It continued to yell at us, and threw acorn tops.  I looked at me Diddy for approval and laughingly he said "don't do it" but..... it had to be done,  I flew out of the water and chased that little bugger all over the place, almost out of range of Diddy's voice...almost.

"MAGGIE" his voice thundered through the park like a greek god and he caught up to me dragging me back to the car.  How humiliating.  I swear I could hear the other doggies snickering, even me own sissy.  

Rotten Squirrel
The park visit being quickly over, all due that rotten squirrel, we were on our way home.  Mummy put the windows down so I could stick me head out and catch some fresh air.   Almost out of the park, minding my own business, I turned to see sissy's side of the view, when there he was, that wretched squirrel.  I dove at him right over sissy and out the moving vehicle, tumbling a little.  Up on my feet quick as could be, The chase was on again.  I almost had him again when a group of runners got in my way, I dodged through their fast tall legs knocking some of them down.  I heard some yelling, as I closed in on that little nut-head when he went up a tree, but... I had his tail!!!  And... then Diddy had mine.  I didn't care that I was in trouble. I had caught that little bugger.  I wagged my tail proudly all the way to the car the runners yelling at Diddy and Diddy saying something back.

I was on my runner for the rest of the day with no treaties, watching everyone else have fun, but that was ok, I had a souvenir. A fluffy grey tail... teehee.  Who's laughing now squirrel?  I am.  {:o-)

XO ~ Maggers

Friday, May 27, 2011

Ell'o Everyone

Ell'o Everyone,

Mummy & Diddy's House
This is me Sissy
Let me introduce myself.  My name is Maggie, short for Duchess Maggie-Mo.  I'm not really a duchess, but everyone in my family has a royal title (King Diddy, Queen Mummy and Princess Kiya).  Most likely by seeing my profile picture you think this is a blog about a dog, but let me set you straight, this is a blog by a dog.  A golden retriever to be more precise, we are quite smart you know.  I live with me Mummy and me Diddy (that's daddy to the rest of you) in a small nice house with a lovely back yard.

Most days I spend playing with me older Sissy Princess Kiya.  She acts very nice to others, but she has them all fooled, acting sweet and loving, when really she is quite tricksy.  She tells me to do certain things that she's knows will get me in trouble.  No one else seems to notice, but I am on to her.  BUT.. To be completely truthful, I have my own special way of getting myself into a bit of a jam. You see, it's just that I am really very curious.

I really am a good tyke.... truly I am!!

I am writing this Blog to share with you my daily adventures and misadventures, so you can decide for yourself if I really am a mischievous girl or just really really really curious (like curious george, only way cuter!).  See you next time {:o-)

Ni'nights for now!
XO ~ Maggie

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Near Escape

This morning has already been full of excitement and I dread saying it, something very unpleasant.

As usual, my next door neighbor Luca's family forgot him outside last night, he barked, and howled, begging them to let him in until about 4:AM.  (Diddy was less than thrilled and all Mummy could say was "Poor Luca") This gave me a brilliant idea.  I met Luca at the fence and we devised the perfect plan,
I would help him escape!!  We Dug from both sides of the fence as sissy overlooked the project.   When he was finally free, he jumped up and down with delight and for about an hour or so we horsed around.  When me Mummy called us in for brekky, the three of us trotted in happy as could be, muddy paws, noses and all.  Mummy yelled something about the floors just being mopped and kicked us outside for our nibbles (Luca included, Mummy's good like that), then we continued to play, everything going swimmingly, until Diddy saw we had just dug under our new fence.  I've never heard such words before, I don't know what any of them meant, but his tone meant trouble! I thought I had done the right thing, hadn't I?  It was obvious that the humans didn't think so,  I was immediately put on my runner and found it curious that it was about this time when Luca's family noticed he was missing.  Of course he was dragged back to his yard, tail tucked in.

For the rest of the morning Luca stuck his nose under the fence whining, but to no avail, i was chained up, and sissy was not going to help this time, she just pretended to not notice (as if to say, "no way, I'm not getting into trouble!"), and went about liking her paws.

Covered in caked on mud, I laid there for a while, taking a nap, when Mummy and Diddy came out.  "Maggie" said me Mummy all cheery like (tricksy little git), "would you like a bath?"  if it got me off this runner I was in!  Little did I know the unpleasantness that would take place.  Diddy sprayed cold cold water all over me and then rubbed some foamy stuff that smelled like flowers, spraying me again with the chilly stuff and continued with the process all over again TWICE!!! It was very very miserable and when he was done, I was something I hadn't been for at least a few months, I was........ c-l-e-a-n :(


Clean miserable me
All in all, this day turned out rotten, Luca's back in his yard, alone, hole blocked mostly by concrete blocks, I'm on my runner and I smell like lilacs!!!  Bleckkkkkk!!!!  Tomorrow will be rosier!!  I guess I'll take a nap..... what is that? that little buggy just crawled into the ground, does he need help?  Perhaps I'll dig in and see....

XO - Maggs.

Music: Dog Poo by Danny Elfman