The weather has cooled a bit, but best of all the humidity has seemed to curl up and die...Ahhhhh!!! Anywoof - this means me Diddy is going away for a "guys" weekend fishing in Ontario, and me Mummy always like to send them away with treaties. So today, after a nice long walk and a game of bally (I love me bally!) I helped her make a batch of not just brownies - but triple layer brownies - these marvels include chocolate chip cookie dough - OREOS - and brownies, and if that wasn't enough there is also a layer of chocolate fudge topping!! HOLY CHOCOLATENESS (not that I know what this tastes like, but it looks divine).
Mummy - Mo is here to help!
Ok, I'll help with the butter - you want me to melt it? I'll just use me tongue!!!
Here you go, it's all melted!
What do you mean that wasn't what you meant???
Now we add some flour....
And then some eggys - ok this does not look delicious!
But this sure does, I love licking the bowl (Ok this one was staged for dramatic effects, you know how the saying goes - If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun - Katherine Hepburn)
Final results are in - holy yumminess....
I don't know how the fishing will go, but I do know these treats won't even make it all the way to Canada - eh!
Have a treaty filled weekend!
XO - Top Chef Maggie-Mo.
Disclaimer - no doggies were fed chocolate during the making of this production.