I chew on me bally, making it squeak until it sounds sad and dead-like...unmoving

...And then I play Hide-N'-Seek with me friends. 5..4..3..2......1 1/2.....1 1/4.....1...

"Here Mo come!"
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I look up and immediately see me friend Tristan "hiding", not behind me food bowl, but his face in it, stealing me Yumyumms! Silly bum, that was way too easy. Then I look around a bit, hear a pucky-pop-pop sort of sound; there I find Willow-Kapoot...
peeking around the corner, who also, funny enough, seems to be eyeing me dinner bowl...hmmmmmmm
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Willow-Kapoot |
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Noomi |
I know that sound better than the sound of cheese wrappers, it's me Yumyumms bag, I just know it. I bolt into the closet and barked loudly; out pops a startled looking Noomi, crumbs all over her sticky claws.
Here I was trying to have a fun filled game of hide and seek and all me friends wanted to do was steal me food - I guess everyone is plain hungry!! I have to admit, I too am becoming a bit famished. Game over, its time for a snack.
I poke around the kitchen for a bit until me remembers - I hasn't go no thumbs, and can't pull out the stuffs on high-shelves, where all of the good stuffs live. So me starts sniffing around for anything that Mummy or Diddy might have left behind (Diddy likes his late night snacks and sometimes leaves treaties behind). But not this time I guess. I'll have to wait for dinner time... and me tummy rumbles. I try to take another nappy with me hungry bunch, but.....
...The truth is, at this point of the day, me starts getting a bit bored. I does the best me can... but a girl can only be left alone for so long. So, I get creative, start sniffing around - me nosey likes to help me find things to do, and some days, me nosey leads me to a tiny room where a basket of interestingly smelly-like things are sitting around. I push a few items around with me nose finding paper. I LOVE the sound paper makes while I tear it apart - fiiiiiiitttttt fiiiiiiitttt fiiiiiiiiiiiiittTTTTtttttt, it always keeps me attention - So that's exactly what I do -
FffffIIIIIttttttttttt FiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTTTTtttttttTTTTTtttttt..... mmmmm...me gots some sphhhhhhearmint floss too....mmmmiiiinnnnttttyyyy.....

"M A G G I E - M O! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !"
Me Mummy yelps - "What have you done now? - Uuggghhh!!!"
Me tries to thinks quickly - me tries to hide - me jumps into the bath - BUT... too late, she's caught me.
"well no treaty for you little miss" she scolds with one eyebrow raised (I swear sometimes she really is half Vulcan). I tried to blame Tristan, I tried to blame Noomi, I even tried to blame Willow Kapoot who would have been the perfect scape-octopus, but not one of them was anywhere around, I was on me own in this one. I felt a bit bad for a while, I looked at me mummy pitifully with sad me eyes, sat down to think about what I had done wrong, and as I thought about it, me suddenly remembered that
someone once said (and it seems to have stuck, 'cause everyone me knows says it), "there's a lesson in everything"...So me guess' what me's learned today is; It's never a good idea to leave a Maggie-Mo alone for very long, It's never really me fault that me does these stuffs. And perhaps is would be an advisable idea for someone with able thumbs to shut doors to rooms they do not want curious kids like me in while they isn't looking. Aaaannnndddd.. perhaps someone would be kind enough to leave me a few treats to snack on during the day so me and me curious nosey don't go looking for snackies in untraditional places. What a rotten end to the day.
Mummy Didn't seem to take me suggestions seriously, and so the next day she and Diddy went off and did their jobs - building schools and writing adventure stories for hopeful publishing success, leaving me here alone, doors open, mischief to be had, no treats again.
I sure wish there were at least some treats to keep me at bay for the rest of this long long long long rainy day.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................KER-THUMP-bump-ump.......
HOLY CRICKET!!!!!!!!!!!!